2、2阶段配置,可焊接2块单独的在线式电路板,每个电路板尺寸最大可达350 x 508 mm
3、集成双焊接头的并行加工适用于最大尺寸为508 x 508mm的电路板,实现焊接高灵活性
4、集成大小不同焊接头的双重加工模式能实现焊接电路板的最大尺寸可达700 x 508 mm
Firefly is the selective soldering solution that has been developed to satisfy the ever growing need of modern electronics manufacturing for maximum flexibility, and to address the particular problems related to the introduction of the new lead-free alloys. The FIREFLY system is particularly suitable for soldering:
Through hole
Pin Grid Array
Odd form components
RF shieldings